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The Power of the Only

Jun 30, 2020

"We are all prejudice, and I think if we can start with that foundational piece of knowledge - that common ground - then we stand up and speak up from there without being so afraid." - Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen

How is being "the only" an asset that can lead you to new ideas, models and innovation that our world...

Jun 16, 2020

"I'm the girl with 26 years of education that never raised her hand in class. Having all eyes on me just wasn't comfortable." - Dr. Ann Shippy

Yes COVID-19 is here and we need to talk about it, but what are we going to do moving forward?

In this episode, we dive into this and more with Dr. Ann Shippy, a Functional...

Jun 9, 2020

"Many of my clients have been in either fight, flight, or freeze -- and wherever you are at, that is okay." - Angela Chee

How are we going to clear the space so that we can create a new vision?

Today I really want to focus on vision.  Many of us are dealing with stress, overwhelm from world events, quarantine fatigue...

Jun 3, 2020

"When we bring diversity to the table, we get to a better solution." - Tina Shah Paikeday

There is a lot of division in our world right now. How will we work, serve, and thrive as our current systems are being challenged?

We need diverse voices who own their voice and their power, and nobody knows that better than our...